Epiphany Builders Dinner

You are invited to our Epiphany Builders Dinner. All are invited even if you did not help on a project this year.

Who:     Epiphany Builders and spouse or significant other (families are invited too)
              Anyone who has worked with Epiphany Builders in the past or plan to in the future

When:    Saturday, Nov 7, 2015
               6:00 pm

Where:   Jeanie and Lew Saphar's home
               8445 Lismore St
               Clemmons, NCĀ  27012

What:     Fellowship for the Epiphany Builders and families
               We will provide hamburgers, buns, lettuce, tomato, etc.

If you are able, please bring a appetizer, side dish or dessert. Please come even if you can't bring anything.

These are the people who are planning to come at this point.

  1. Jeanie and Lew Saphar
  2. Gene and Diane Deal
  3. Bobbie Martin
  4. Glenn and Wanda Rabb
  5. Mike and Laura Spain
  6. Wilbur and Sharen Bond
  7. Carol Mccune
  8. Schuyler and Jean Darstein
  9. Kathleen Tucker